
Jon ux Montenegro


communicate art modern director idea gallerys perfection create concepts typography selected Work experience augmented reality ar bright semantic infographics mobile ux philadelphia publications visual design user apps exhibit peace architecture research interface design arts interactive us calm awards museum ethnography found cloud photography blog clear webware storytelling installation analysis ethnographic design Exhibitions hci global Contact multimedia paintings experience strategy brand newschool apps experimental social 09.18.2018

Random Work The Innovation Project


Featured In Publications

AIGA Philadelphia Design Award Book

Awwwards Book (2)

Communication Arts Webpick

Cre@te Online Magazine (.net Magazine)

Exploring Typography - 2nd edition textbook

Practical Design Magazine


The Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 3

The Mobile Web Designer's Idea Book

Web 2.0, social networking and the courts. Australian Bar Review

Interactive & Art Awards

@AIGAJefferson Award

AIGA Mentor - Mentorship Program

AIGA Philadelphia Design Award

Addy Award

American Design Award

Aster Award

ArtPop Juried Competition Winner

Awwwards Awards (2)

AVA Digital Awards


eHealthCare Leadership Awards

Greystone & Staywell Healthcare Design Awards

IAC Award

Sitefinity Website of the Year

Web Marketing Association Web Awards

Vega Awards

Artwork Exhibitions

@AIGAJefferson AI Piece

Google DevArt. Art made with code.

AIGA Philadelphia Design Show

ANIMATE Exhibition Philadelphia

ArtPop Winners Exhibition ArtsQuest Center

Compendium Juried Exhibition - AI Emotion Detection

DesignPhiladelphia Festival

SPACE Gallery: AIGA Philadelphia's headquarters

Le Meridien: Interactive Installation

Message & Medium: the interplay of type and art: PhilaMOCA

Mobile Art Show: HELIO Store Gallery at Santa Monica, CA

Twenty-Two Gallery Interactive Exhibition

[Never grow accustomed; the brittle, often shimmering heat]: Born Magazine

PhillyTechWeek: Out-of-Frame Interactive Exhibition

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